Useful Graphs?
Hi - relatively new to tronity but think it's great.
For me it would be useful to have some graphs to show variables over a timeframe - so perhaps average consumption for a timeframe, summarised by (optional) day/week/month/year to better understand the seasonal variations.
Could also have one for distance travelled, energy used and energy added perhaps - all on the same basis.
I guess these could all be combined in the same bar graph, being able to select what data is shown, what time period and the level of detail (day/week/month/year).
I think this would be useful for users to see this top level graphical representation of the data that's within Tronity and understand their usage.
I have similar reporting for my solar generation and energy use, so could show you how it could be presented if it's not clear from my explanation!
You can get some of this through Home Assistant if you wire that up: I show range and charge over the previous week
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