Extend mobile app insights (graphics) tab
Dear @Tronity, right now only cost overview available (current month, compared to last month, avg. 6 months), as well as cost details (current month, charging costs, fixed costs, top charging rate).
Please extend to a more complete overview including:
- trip related section (distance, time, consumption) today, vs. last week/month, week, month, overall
- trip insights (avg. consumption vs. outside temp, vs. avg speed, vs. avg distance)
- consumption insights for PHEV (total used kWh vs l/100km, maybe a piechart with today/week/month/overall)
Probably a 4 sub-sections setup (cost, energy, distance, insights) inside the "GFX screen" (2nd from left) can work nicely to group all this info, coupled with a "standard" implemented timeline across all sections of: current day, current week, current month, global
Let's show the OEMs how it's done ;)
Thank you!
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