If you want to record the data of your car easily and conveniently, you can add and manage your vehicle directly in the TRONITY user interface. For communication with the vehicle, only the necessary information is stored in encrypted form. In the case of vehicles from the manufacturer Tesla, this is only the so-called token for the vehicle as an example. Further information can be found in the section Security measures / Specialities of the manufacturer.
If you want to record the vehicle data on a PC in your familiar environment and you have some technical understanding, the private provision of TRONITY is the right choice for you. The software for recording the vehicle data is installed on a PC of your choice. This can be a Windows PC, Linux, Apple or a single board computer like the Raspberry Pi. The data for communication with the vehicle is only stored locally and is not exchanged with TRONITY. This means that only information such as charging or trips are transmitted to TRONITY for personal evaluation and analysis.
You can switch between both deployment options at any time. This means that a simple start is possible via cloud deployment and the subsequent configuration and execution of the TRONITY software in your own environment.
See also: Private Deployment (Open Source)